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BMRH_Chrome Effect.psd.jpg


This ones pretty self explanatory it picks up collectable resources on the ground hemp, berrys , stone, etc.


I love this one its an indepth skill system the more you farm/kill the more xp you get and therfore the more levels and bonuses you get. Think of it as Zlevels with a twist.


This is a plugin im working on and eventually be implemented on my skill tree. you will go on a chopping spree and hit all the near by trees in a certain radius.


This displays the time ingame in the bottom left a very simple plugin but a nice little feature.


This one is more of an admin plugin to filter words and make custom chat commands.


now this on is a bit tricky/sneaky and at the moment its just an idea but imagine upgrading your mining level to max and being able to see ores close to you instead of spending loads of time hunting them down i was thinking about a small radius with some kind of cooldown so its not too OP.

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